Chris De Bié - Storia Theurgica - The Hippie trail -
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Storia Theurgica
The Hippie trail


- _1. The escape
- _2. Gate to Asia
- _3. Persia
- _4. Afghanistan
- _5. Pakistan
- _6. India
- _7. Nepal
- _8. Back to Europe
6. India

Amritsar - Haridwar - Rishikesh - Manikaran - Pushkar
Bombay - Goa - Hampi - Dharamsala - Gorakhpur


From Panaji I took the bus to Hampi. Halfway on the journey we had a flat tyre and the old tyre was placed before the last bench in the back of the bus. My luck to have found a window seat turned into misfortune and I was relieved to arrive in Hospet after travelling for 12 hours. The last 13 km to Hampi I was allowed to travel behind the driver's seat – what a joy!

“Now where IS Hampi?” one of the tired and impatient travel companions asked. From an elevation we finally saw it and we were rewarded with an exceptional view of this remarkable place.



Vijayanagara, as it was called earlier, was the capital of a Hindu Kingdom from the 14th to the 16th century. It held a powerful army and there were huge fortresses and apparently over a half million people lived there. After many battles the town was destroyed by Moslem warriors and the survivors had to flee this paradise. From a landscape that is characterized by huge rocks and boulders apparently distributed randomly by giants.
  Travelling didjeridoo


Photos by Ruff Libner (Trav.Didge.)



Head of a giant turtle
Photo by Bozena Zielinska

  Bozena Zielinska


Thumb of a giant
Photo by Lichtfaktor

The main attraction is the Vijaya Vittala Temple complex with its chariot made of stone.


Stone Chariot

It is a static replica of the wooden temple chariot and the lotos shaped wheels can be moved.


Vijaya Vittala Tempel

The columns inside the temple are famous for the sound they produce when knocked on.


Vijaya Vittala Tempel II
Photos by Tabaiba

The Tunghabhadra River created rice fields and banana plantations.


Tunghabhadra River with rice fields


Banana plants
Photos by Bozena Zielinska

And the granite rocks supplied the material for the temples and palaces.


Temples and palaces

A truly mystic place where some Saddhus had withdrawn to. I befriended one of them and spent the next 2 days away from the rest of the world. But the pesky mosquitoes made me take up quarters in the village.


Wild landscape
Photos by Ruff Libner (Trav.Didje.)

In the meantime a few dozen like minded people had also found their way to this secluded place. Amongst them were a few Germans who were travelling with a bus. And again I was presented with a LSD trip. I saved it for the next full moon. Without the moonlight I was not going to go on a nightly trip – and during the day I did not dare to. I wanted to be undisturbed and alone!
After sunset I sallied forth and my landlord warned me:
“Beware! There are many hoods around here!”


Photo by Ting Po

I wandered through the landscape, which no longer was totally strange to me – still I discovered new things continuously. I dug in the earth and everywhere I was digging relics from the past came to light.

I sat down in one of the temple ruins and heard voices – ancient voices from the times when Hampi still was a huge town. I heard quarrelling voices, debating about land ownership, voices that arranged marriages and with my eyes open I saw the whole magnificence of these ancient times. The king how he was outweighed with precious stones; but also farmers who had to work like slaves! I could watch and listen to them unobserved! And then I heard something in the far distance that did not fit into this imagery of mine at all!
  Ting Po


Ruff Ride in Hampi
Digital image by Mimulux

The sound of a didgeridoo echoed through the temples, over the fields and across the rock formations. Had I been mysteriously transported to Australia?


Music by Ruff Libner

After sunrise the riddle was solved – I met Ruff in the village, an Australian accompanied by his instrument.
“Was that you last night?” I asked him and told him about my adventures. He did not say much but we were laying in each others arms for a long time!

19 years later, on another full moon journey in Hampi...
  Ruff Libner - trav.didje.


On my last India trip - 1996.
Joined photos by Lichtfaktor and Ruff Libner

...I collected some lamb vertebrae and with this, some buffallo bones, corals, rubies, eye agates and silver I created the following piece of art:


Object with amulet by Chris De Bié

A photo of the Virupaksha Temple was the template for this artwork.
  Chris De Bié


Virupaksha Temple


Virupaksha Temple - Detail
Photos by Sehvermögen

Then I met the Saddhu famous for his chillums. Gopalswami - he was generally known as the Hampi Baba.


Hampi Baba
Photo by Ian Watkinson - 1976

He fabricated these cone-shaped approx. 15 cm long hashish pipes out of 7 different types of clay and adorned them with a cobra – an attribute of Shiva.
  Ian Watkinson


Chilums made by the Hampi Baba
Photo by Swami Jack

After each usage one is to clean the pipe by means of rubbing it along a tensely held string made of twined cotton strips. For a thorough cleansing however, one is supposed to place them in a fire once in a while and his pieces of art passed this fire test, i.e. they did not break. The colour after this purifying procedure is always red with little black stripes. To get a nice uniform black you have to add some greens like banana leaves into the fire. With several dozens he was planning on leaving for Goa the following day. There they were highly sought after and cherished. I did not want to take a chillum with me but I took the opportunity to smoke one. I placed the stone in it and a mixture of my Manikaran and Will's Gold Flake. The mouthpiece I enwrapped with a moist, thin piece of cloth, called a Safi. This cools the smoke and absorbs the expelled condensate. Then I clamped it between the small finger and the ring finger of my right hand, which in turn I placed into my left hand in such a manner that an airtight hollow space is formed. To smoke you suck at the gap left between the thumbs. This way the Safi does not get contaminated by the spittle of other smokers nor does condensate get into the mouth via the drenched Safi.

Completely spaced-out I floated through this wonderland, filled with innumerable temples adorned with statues of gods, foundations of palaces and royal pavilions. I encountered women collecting wood, grazing goats and curious monkeys. Again and again I was fixated by the glowing eyes of a skull. I remembered it from Goa and it dawned on me, that this was not a demon but a demonfright, there to protect me.
  Swami Jack


Demonfright in Hampi
Photo by Ruff Libner (Trav.Didge.)

A little while later I befriended a British couple who were on their way to the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Poona. Poona was not my destination but it was on the way to my journey back North. So I gladly accepted their invitation.


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© by Chris De Bié admin: 17.03.2019