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Chris De Bié

I was born in the sign of the gemini (aszendent gemini) in 1951 in Germany. Because I know my father only from the narrations of my mother (he escaped hopefully to Canada), I selected the cunning, art-talented and travel-loving Mercury as a substitute.

Mercury - the messenger of the gods - makes the invisible become visible.

1972 - 73  Study at the college of art and design in Cologne.

1973 - 74  First Morningland-travel over land up to India.

1976 - 78  Escape to Asia.
                Selling apple-pastrys in Goa.and working at the Eden-Hotel in                 Kathmandu.

1979 - 82  Return to Europe - slow acclimatization in Italy.
                 Cook of the 'Centro Macrobiotico' in Florence.
                 Discovery of the goldsmith-art and construction of a first workshop.

1982 - 84  Removal to Rome - participation in art-markets.

1984    Trip to Morocco and unwanted stay in Spain.

1985    Back to Italy.

1985 - 86  Return to Germany.
                 Study and activity as a vegetarin cook in the "Kamalashila"
                 - Institut for buddhist studies in the castle of Wachendorf.

1986 - 92  Construction of a new artforge in Cologne.
                "Documenta Erotica" and "Money is Energy" in the
                "Ultimate Academy" of Al Hansen in Cologne.
                Different exhibitions and jewelfairs in Germany.

1993    "Arte Theurgica I" at the Atelier Theatre in Cologne.

1994    Renewed journey to India and Nepal.

1995    "Arte Theurgica II" at the "George Sand" in Cologne.

1996    Furnishings for RTL-Production:
                John Sinclair´s "The Demon-Marriage".

1998    Performance at "Jeister Delic",
                Rhenania/Cologne, in favor of the Cologne Ghostparade.

2005    "Arte Theurgica III" at the 'Gallery am Buttermarkt' in Cologne.

2007    Start of the "Storia Theurgica - The Hippie trail" - Project


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© by Chris De Bié admin: 17.03.2019